Just like the Wikipedia mindset, we want everyone to be able to help spread knowledge and documentation of Microbizz. Everyone in the overall Microbizz ECO System must be able to contribute what they want to share and which will bring value to others and to the overall Microbizz community.


We have created a communication universe around Microbizz. We call it "Micropedia". In the Micropedia universe, there is documentation of Microbizz modules and workflows, tips and tricks, questions and answers – available to everyone – online 24/7. 

Microbizz is an agile system, and no two Microbizz'es are exactly alike. The strength of Microbizz is precisely that the solution supports the company's completely unique workflows – and that the companies themselves can set up their own digital workflows and processes – on their own and without outside help, unless they want to. 

The devil is in the detail – best practices are created by everyday life – the full benefit is obtained when you share. Microbizz creates the greatest value when the digital workflows are created very close to the operation and in collaboration with those who use the tools in everyday life. 

But often we have even more in common than we think. It is our experience that our customers seek help from each other to a great extent. Both via the established platforms – our industry circles and online communities – but also via more informal channels and direct contact between customer to customer. 

All that knowledge must be made available to everyone. This is the basic idea on which Micropedia is based. Just like the Wikipedia mindset, we want everyone to be able to help spread knowledge and documentation of Microbizz.

Everyone in the overall Microbizz ECO System must be able to contribute what they want to share and which will bring value to others and to the overall Microbizz community. 

Ventu creates the platform that makes it possible, and we facilitate all the contact that is needed between us and our customers as well as customer to customer between. 

Micropedia is where everything is made accessible to everyone – and this is in line with our basic philosophy around an ECO System where everyone supports each other and knowledge is shared so that everyone will be stronger. 

We believe that with Micropedia we have created a sustainable platform that can grow organically and keep up with developments. We all know that documentation can almost be obsolete the day after it is created unless it is continuously kept up to date and alive. It requires the involvement of those who are helping to create change and who are at the forefront of the field every day.

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